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Snappy Kraken | Help Center
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Education/How To
Technical Assistance
Running into an issue that is a little more technical? These articles will assist you through some of the technology hurdles.
How Does the Nitrogen/ Risk Campaign Work?
How Do I Connect My CRM?
What Are Custom HTML Headers and Footers Used For?
Can I Add a Document to My Emails?
How Do I Create a Formatted Email Signature?
Why Is 2-Factor Authorization Important?
How Do I Add a New Payment Method?
How Do I Reset My Password?
How Do I Set Up DNS?
How Do I Add Another Email to Receive Form Submission Notifications?
Why is Chrome Giving Me Issues with the Platform?
Membership Types and Cancellation Information
Why Are the Lead Magnets Landing Pages Instead of PDFs?
Business Information Setup FAQ
How Do I Import Salesforce Contact Campaigns into Groups?
What Should I Know About Uploading My Logo?
What's an AUP Violation?
Why Do I See a Different Sender When a Campaign Email Reaches My Inbox?
My Facebook Business Page Keeps Disconnecting
Why Can't I Log In?
What are the Best Practices for Adding Contacts?
Why Doesn't the System recognize My CSV Document and Upload My Contacts?
What is DNS and Why is it Important?
How Can I Update My Personal Details After the Wizard Is Completed?
Adding the new DMARC DNS record
Connecting my Facebook Page
Book a Call With our Team
How do I subscribe contacts in the future?
Facebook Ad Boosting Issue
Contact the Snappy Website Support Team