How to Use Video to Be Magnetic to Prospects and Clients
Video is everywhere you look online.
And being fluent in video is now a requirement for advisers who want to attract more and connect better with prospects and clients.
We were recently joined by our friends from FiComm Partners, Megan Carpenter and Candice Carlton.
We couldn’t think of anyone better to discuss video than FiComm Partners; their Video-First Advisor Education earned them a nomination by the 2020 Industry Awards under the category of Industry Disruptors.
Whether you want to level-up with video, or you’re looking to just START already, you’ll find awesome tips and motivation in the presentation below.

- Megan Carpenter, CEO & Co-Founder FiComm
- Candice Carlton, Senior Vice President FiComm
Watch the Video to Learn About:
- The importance of defining your “commercial success factor”
- How video will help you outpace commoditization
- Tips for being more comfortable on camera
- How video–even non-polished video–can help you create the “celebrity effect” and how that works to your advantage
- Using video throughout your prospect cycle
- Scenarios for using videos “in between client meetings” to make an impact
- The ways video can 10x your exposure and relationship-building with clients and prospects
- Real examples of advisers who crossed the threshold of old school video and “new skool” video
- How modern technology, techniques, and consumer expectations have massively driven down the cost of effective video
- How most advisers are (incorrectly) trained to think of video for “promotion and reach”, and what to focus on instead
- What to visualize so that you (a) calm your nerves and feel less pressure, (b) be more authentic and natural on video
- How errors or “flubs” don’t mean you need to start over or spend hours editing (used correctly, this tip will be a massive time-saver!)
- Proof that you have everything you need to shoot GREAT video
- The 2 most flattering camera angles (and the worst ones to avoid)
- Secrets of the pros: scrappy tips that even professional film sets use to get good video
- Tips for what to wear when doing video
- Ways to “dress” your shot
- Questions to answer before you record that will help you come across as warmer and more authentic
- How conversations with prospects and clients will give you an ABUNDANCE of ideas for easy-to-execute video content
- Ways to avoid the struggle of looking unnatural on camera because you’re also reading a script
- The very first thing you should spend money on once you’re able to
- Don’t try to be a fintwit celebrity, make THIS your goal instead
- The mindset that will stall you and keep you from putting important video messages out
- And much more
Tools and Resources Mentioned:
- FiComm Partners: Zero to Launch DIY Video Workshop
- Loom: Free screen capture/webcam recording tool.
- Soapbox: Create, edit, and share videos in minutes (has a built-in editor)
- Animoto: Drag and drop video maker for creating professional video slideshows
- Descript: Billed mostly as a podcasting tool, this transcribes your video and allows you to edit video by editing the text in the transcript
Related Articles
- 5 Easy Video Editing Tools to Help You Add Extra “Wow”
- Tips, Tools, and Apps for Great Videos
- Asking for Client Referrals in the Age of Zoom: A Simple Script for Advisers
Personal Connection Video
Snappy Kraken produces a series of campaigns called Personal Connection Video Campaigns.
If you’ve wanted to produce more personalized videos, and have them tie into a coordinated campaign, watch the video below to learn more.
Just personalize the script, record your video, and add the link to your campaign. Our automated platform does the rest.

Want to see where Snappy Kraken fits in with your digital marketing? Click here to watch a demo.
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