
[NEW] Single-Topic Email | Infrastructure & Taxes

02 Jun, 2021 BY Tyler

Maybe the thought of smooth public roads and filing 1099s gets your blood pumping.

But it probably doesn’t have the same effect on your prospects.

That’s why they usually ignore these policy changes, be they large or small.

But recent proposals in DC are a bit more…colossal.

Which is why everyone suddenly cares about infrastructure and taxes.

With so much up in the air, this timely email provides reassurance, encourages thoughtful consideration, and reduces panic.


More about this campaign:

Title: Infrastructure & Taxes

Type: Single-Topic Email

Description: This email puts current proposals in perspective and encourages prospects and clients to reach out to you and discuss what the changes could mean to them.

Target Audience: Clients & Prospects

Primary Outcome/Action: Assuage concerns related to infrastructure and taxes, and start a conversation with prospects and clients about how they might be affected.

Running Time: Single email

Timely emails present an easy, low-stakes way to maintain a relationship with your list of prospects and clients.

They make a difference!

Here are some of the results from our Weekly Crisis Emails that advisers used during COVID.

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