[NEW] My Why - Personal Connection Videos
It has never been so easy to get started with video marketing.
Just personalize the script, record your video, and add the link to your campaign. Our automated platform does the rest.
Use this simple video to explain the deeper purpose behind why you became a financial professional.
Simply follow the fill-in-the-blank prompts in the script to create your own personal “why” statement.
Personal Connection Videos are the fastest way to create and promote videos at scale, keeping you face-to-face and top of mind with the people who matter most to your business.
IMPORTANT! FINRA has not reviewed this campaign. To get timely campaigns like these into your hands as quickly as possible, we do not submit them for FINRA review.
Title: My Why
Type: Personal Connection Videos
Description: Use this simple video to explain the deeper purpose behind why you became a financial professional.
Target Audience: Clients, investors, and prospects
Primary Outcome/Action: Create and promote videos at scale, keeping you face-to-face and top of mind with the people who matter most to your business.
Running Time: Single email and social posts across platforms driving traffic to a Landing Page.
P.S. Have you heard about Convos? It's our text message marketing platform that connects directly with your Snappy Kraken account. Check it out here: getconvos.com
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