
3 High Converting Estate Planning Campaigns for Financial Advisors

23 Apr, 2024 BY Snappy Kraken

3 High Converting Estate Planning Campaigns for Financial Advisors Blog Header Image

Standing out among your competition can sometimes feel like trying to be the loudest voice in a crowded room.

Imagine walking into a room buzzing with conversations, where every financial advisor is eagerly sharing their services, achievements, and unique selling points. 

The noise is overwhelming, and every voice seems to blend into the background, making it challenging to distinguish one from another.

In a saturated market filled with advisors all vying for attention, how can you amplify your message and make it resonate with potential clients?

Here’s the thing…

Standing out as a financial advisor requires more than just raising your volume. 

It's about crafting a message that cuts through the noise, resonates with your target audience, and leaves a lasting impression.

So, how can you amplify your voice and make it heard above the rest?

Enter estate planning marketing campaigns—the secret weapon for advisors itching to cut through the clutter. 

Estate planning isn't just some obscure topic; it's a hot conversation starter that resonates with everyone. 

After all, who doesn't want to secure their legacy and ensure their loved ones are taken care of?

In fact, our 2024 State of Digital report confirms that estate planning campaigns are like lead-generation gold, ranking second in effectiveness for advisor marketing.

So, if you're looking to attract, engage, and convert leads, buckle up because we're about to dive into three top-performing estate planning campaigns that are driving results for advisors using Snappy Kraken.

So What is a Marketing Campaign, Anyway?

Marketing campaigns are strategic initiatives that promote a specific product, service, or message to a targeted audience. 

Think of it as a coordinated series of activities—like social media posts, emails, and advertisements—all working together to grab the attention of potential clients and get them interested in what you offer. 

It's all about hitting the right people with the right message at the right time, driving leads and conversions for your business. And for financial advisors, a well-executed marketing campaign isn't just about boosting sales—it's about powering up your business growth.

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Crafting and launching standout marketing campaigns, however, can feel like a big job for many financial advisors. The hurdles often come from these common roadblocks:

  • Time Crunch: Finding the time to create a solid lead generation campaign can be tough. After all, you got into this business to guide your clients, not spend hours crafting social posts or reports.

  • One-Track Mind: Some advisors put all their eggs in one basket by focusing solely on one marketing campaign. This can mean missed opportunities to connect with different audiences using tailored messages.

  • Instant Results Syndrome: It's easy to want results ASAP, but building a strong lead generation strategy is a marathon, not a sprint. Jumping ship too soon means missing out on nurturing those leads to their full potential.

  • Compliance Challenges: Creating marketing materials that not only resonate but also comply with industry regulations can be tricky. It's crucial to strike a balance between engaging content and staying within compliance guidelines.

  • Stop at the Lead: Generating a lead is just step one. Many advisors forget about the ongoing dance of engaging and nurturing those leads, which can be a real missed opportunity to turn prospects into clients.

At Snappy Kraken, we understand these challenges all too well. That's why we've designed a comprehensive tool to support financial advisors at every step of their marketing journey.

Our platform offers a rich library of plug-and-play marketing campaigns specifically tailored for financial advisors, all built on the Advisor Growth Flywheel. We take care of the strategy and content creation, so you don't have to spend hours researching and crafting messages. Plus, our campaigns are FINRA-reviewed and customizable, making it easier than ever to get your marketing efforts off the ground without the usual compliance headaches.

Our commitment to your success doesn't stop at providing campaigns. Our software makes it easy for you to set them up, helping you personalize and optimize them to maximize your marketing investment. Whether you're looking to generate leads, nurture prospects, promote events, or engage with your audience through personal connection videos, we've got you covered.

3 Top Estate Planning Campaigns

According to our 2024 State of Digital report (page 12), estate planning campaigns are the shining stars of lead generation for financial advisors. In fact, this report revealed that estate planning snagged the coveted spot as the second-best-performing lead generation campaign topic.

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But what makes estate planning campaigns stand out from the crowd?

For starters, estate planning isn't just some dry, niche topic that appeals to a select few—it's a topic that hits close to home for everyone. 

Whether you're fresh out of college or enjoying your retirement, the idea of securing your legacy and taking care of your loved ones is something that resonates deeply. 

This broad appeal means that estate planning campaigns have a built-in audience, making it easier to capture attention and forge meaningful connections with potential clients.

But it's not just about universal appeal; it's also about timing. 

Let's face it—none of us are getting any younger, and the importance of planning for the future becomes more apparent with each passing day. 

This sense of urgency creates a natural motivation for people to take action, making them more receptive to estate planning messages. 

So when you're out there spreading the word about estate planning through your marketing campaigns, you're not just tapping into a popular topic—you're addressing a pressing need, which translates into higher engagement and better results.

To help get your creative juices flowing, we’re sharing the top 3 Estate Planning campaigns that Snappy Kraken users are sending. Let's dive into each one to explore how they can help you attract, engage, and convert leads.

1. Estate Planning IRS Updates Campaign

Average Email Open Rate: 36.0%

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About The Campaign:

With constant changes, staying ahead of the curve with IRS updates is key to Estate Planning.  

This campaign focuses on educating your clients and prospects about recent IRS updates on irrevocable grantor trusts, a topic that could significantly impact inheritances. By sharing timely and relevant information, you deepen your value as a trusted advisor.

This campaign positions you as a knowledgeable resource by delivering timely updates on IRS regulations. By offering to assist clients and prospects with reviewing their estate strategies, you demonstrate your commitment to their financial well-being.

Key Features:

  • Educational Content: Inform your audience about regulatory updates and the upcoming expiration of the TCJA rule, highlighting the importance of reviewing their estate strategies.

  • Value-Added Service: Offer assistance to clients and prospects in evaluating their estate plans in light of these changes, positioning yourself as an indispensable resource.


2. Estate Planning Lead Generation Campaign

Average Email Open Rate: 27.1%

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About The Campaign:

Looking to connect with individuals who need to create or update their estate plans? This campaign leverages the recent changes in estate planning laws to drive interest and engagement.

The campaign utilizes a free guide as a compelling lead magnet, attracting prospects with valuable insights into new estate planning regulations. The multi-channel outreach ensures broad visibility, while the lead conversion components guide prospects toward scheduling a consultation with you.

Key Features:

  • Free Guide Offer: Attract prospects with a free guide titled "New Regulations Open 6 Estate Plan 'Wormholes' & Why You Should Revisit Your Plan Right Away." This guide breaks down the opportunities and pitfalls created by new laws, encouraging prospects to seek your expertise.

  • Multi-Channel Outreach: Drive traffic to your offer with a combination of prospecting emails, social media posts, and optional Facebook ads. This multi-channel approach ensures maximum visibility and engagement.

  • Lead Conversion: The campaign includes a landing page, opt-in emails, and appointment confirmation pages to capture prospects' information and guide them toward scheduling a free chat with you.

Estate Planning Prospect Engagement Campaign

Average Email Open Rate: 20.4%

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About The Campaign:

The SECURE Act and TCJA have introduced significant changes to estate planning tools, creating an urgent need for High-Net-Worth taxpayers to review their plans. 

Snappy Kraken's Prospect Engagement Campaign addresses this urgency, coaching prospects to take decisive action. By promoting a free Legacy Review call, this campaign removes barriers to entry and encourages prospects to engage with your services. 

The emphasis on urgency and the personalized approach to outreach builds trust and motivates prospects to take immediate action.

Key Features:

  • Legacy Review Call Offer: Promote a free Legacy Review call to remove the friction prospects might feel about a free appointment offer. This personalized approach builds trust and encourages prospects to take the next step.

  • Urgency Building: Highlight the need to review documents before potential tax law changes under the new administration, creating a sense of urgency that motivates prospects to act.

  • Email Outreach: The campaign includes a series of emails that continue the conversation with prospects, positioning you as the right source for help and offering a free appointment to discuss their financial questions.

Driving Growth with Estate Planning Campaigns

After diving into these three high-converting estate planning campaigns, you might be wondering, "So what?" What does this mean for me as a financial advisor?

1. Your Clients Stay Informed: The world of estate planning is constantly evolving, with new regulations and updates emerging regularly. By staying on top of these changes and communicating them to your leads and clients, you demonstrate your commitment to their financial well-being. It's not just about making a sale; it's about being a trusted advisor who keeps clients informed and prepared for whatever comes their way.

2. Provide Value and Build Trust: Offering resources and free content, like guides or educational materials, is a powerful way to build trust and educate potential prospects. By providing valuable insights into estate planning, you position yourself as a knowledgeable resource and go-to expert in the field. This not only helps attract new clients but also strengthens your relationship with existing ones, fostering loyalty and long-term engagement.

3. Engage Consistently to Stay Top of Mind: Engagement doesn't end once you've captured a lead. It's an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and communication. By continuing to engage and educate prospects through personalized outreach, you reinforce your expertise and keep yourself top of mind. This ongoing engagement nurtures leads, converts prospects into clients, and helps maintain strong relationships that lead to referrals and repeat business.

Reading and learning about these three estate planning campaigns isn't just about understanding marketing tactics—it's about embracing a holistic approach to client engagement and relationship-building. By staying timely, providing value, and engaging consistently, you're not just growing your business; you're elevating your role as a trusted financial advisor who truly cares about their clients' financial futures.

So, take these insights and apply them to your own practice. Whether you're crafting your own campaigns or leveraging tools like Snappy Kraken, remember that estate planning isn't just a topic—it's an opportunity to make a meaningful impact on your clients' lives. Embrace it, and watch your business thrive.

How Snappy Kraken Can Help

Ready to elevate your marketing efforts with estate planning campaigns?
Click here to schedule a demo of the Snappy Kraken platform. Explore our tailored campaigns, powerful tools, and resources firsthand to see how they can revolutionize your marketing strategy and help you reach your business goals.

      Schedule your demo today and unlock new avenues for growth and success.

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