Medicare Resources

Info on compliance, campaigns, and extra Medicare resources


Best Campaigns for Medicare Annual and Open Enrollment

Looking for some medicare specific campaigns to send your audience?

Here are some recommendations:

Medicare Lead Generation Campaign

Medicare Prospect Engagement Campaign

Do I Have Enough Insurance? Personal Connection Video

Take a look at our Medicare Playbook for more detail into campaigns and event ideas

Extra Resources for Your Audience

Your audience might find these resources helpful:

Compliance Information on all our Medicare Content

 We do not submit our Medicare campaigns to CMS. Why? Our campaigns are purely educational and do not promote any Medicare or Medicare Advantage plans. Clients with specific compliance requirements may submit to CMS on their own as needed.

We don’t market any specific Medicare plans or products.

Advisors should always be the ones to recommend specific products or strategies. Snappy Kraken's role is to help you start up those conversations.

If you have specific compliance needs related to the sale of Medicare Advantage Plans. You are welcome to submit your campaigns to CMS if you need to. If you believe our campaigns should be submitted to CMS by us, please identify the specific language inside the campaign that you believe promotes a Medicare Advantage Plan.