Which Campaigns Do You Recommend a New User Launch First?

Can You Tell Me What Campaign I Should Launch First?

That is a great question. It depends on what is best for your business goals, clients, and prospects.

Many members can't wait to get on and start using our Essential Campaigns, including the 8-week Prospecting Campaign and the 90-day New Client Onboarding Campaign.

These two are the backbone of your business workflows.

Here's a quick video of what to utilize after getting those essentials set up:

We also recommend our Single Topic Emails, which are so timely.

Other members prefer to jump in focused on our exciting Visual Insights Newsletters because they want to keep their current clients up-to-date with entertaining content they can share on social media.

If you see a campaign in the library you know is a pain point for your clients or something you know is a significant need in your area, start from there!

The beauty of our system is that campaigns are easy to personalize and launch. In addition, you have speed on your side! So it's not like you're burning up weeks and thousands of dollars on design, content creation, project management, or coding.

The important thing to do is START!