What Results Are Good Results Using Snappy Kraken?

Let's Take a Deeper Look at What Results to Expect

Great marketing is all about creating meaningful connections that drive business. Automated marketing is a systematic process of getting someone’s attention. It moves them further down the buyer’s journey until they’re ready to make a commitment (which is often long after you’re ready!).

This doesn’t happen overnight, which is why we have campaigns for each stage of the buyer’s journey. In addition, we automate this process for you with engaging content that continually builds meaningful connections. We want prospects to think about YOU when they’re ready to take action.

Every email open, link click, and page view is a positive result when viewed from this perspective. It means you’re getting their attention. In addition, launching new campaigns to all your groups every month helps increase opportunities for more opens, clicks, and views. More of those activities lead to a highly desired form submission.

Think of it this way: You want to climb Everest or lose 30 pounds. If you take small, intentional steps in a progressive order (strength training and building endurance at the gym, getting the proper nutrition, getting the right amount of rest, etc.), you’re more likely to reach your ultimate goal. On the other hand, if you go all in and expect immediate results, you’re more likely to burn out.

The same is true with marketing. Take intentional steps every month to nurture and build connections, and then you’ll create the environment for consistent results, the leads!