What Do I Do if My Ads Have Been Disapproved by Facebook?

The Process to Take if Facebook Stops Your Ads from Running

Don’t panic! Disapprovals are a normal part of being a Facebook advertiser. However, because you’re advertising in the financial services space, your account and ads are under extra scrutiny by Facebook’s automated system. You can read more about Facebook’s ad requirements here.

All of our images and copy are tested on Facebook before activation, but disapprovals can still happen even when ads have been previously approved. If one of your ads is disapproved, we recommend following these steps:

Step 1:
  • Determine why the ad is disapproved (Facebook will tell you).
  • If the ad is being rejected for too much text in the image, make sure you use the image and copy from a Snappy Kraken Lead Generation social ad, not a social post. Click here to learn more about the differences between ads and social posts. If you’ve confirmed that you’re using an ad image, please let us know so our production team can review the ad.
  • If the ad is being rejected for not complying with Facebook’s advertising policies, continue to step 2.

Step 2:

  • Request a review of the ad by Facebook.
  • Facebook’s automated advertising filters operate on keywords, so financial ads often get flagged. Requesting a review is easy. All you need to do is go to the Account Quality section of the Business Manager, find the disapproved ad, and click the button for a Review Request.
  • We recommend explaining why the ad doesn’t violate policies in the following way:
  • This ad points to a landing page offering a [download/content] that promotes [main purpose]. It does not promote [reason for disapproval]. The ad, landing page, and download have been reviewed by FINRA, the financial services authority, and given a clean letter for use by financial advisers. This letter can be provided if requested.
  • Once you initiate the review, Facebook’s team can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 days to approve or reject it. Most of the time, your ads will be approved after a manual review. Since reviewers are human, approvals are subjective. The same ad might be approved by someone and not approved by someone else.
  • Facebook doesn’t publicize the criteria they use to determine ad approvals, but your review time and review results are likely based on a combination of keyword analysis, image analysis, and Facebook ad account history.

Step 3:

  • My ad is still not approved.
  • Sometimes, Facebook still will reject an ad, despite multiple appeals. In that case, please notify us (please include the rejection notice) so we can initiate a review of the ad by our production team. In the meantime, we recommend substituting the copy from an approved ad to get your ad out there.