How many emails should I send?

As a rule of thumb, 1-2 emails a week for clients. 2-3 emails a week for prospects.

Great Question. 

We certainly don't want to annoy your subscribers, nor do we want to email so infrequently that they forget you exist. 

The rule of thumb is:

  • 1-2 emails a week for clients
  • 2-3 emails a week for prospects


Your goal as an advisor is to stay top of mind. You can do this by emailing weekly and consistently

Clients will need fewer digital touches from you to stay engaged. With clients, you want to focus on deepening your relationship. We recommend regular use of Visual Insight Newsletters and Timely Emails. There are also some choices in the "The Essentials" section of your Library. 

Prospects will need more digital touches from you to stay engaged. Depending on where those contacts are in your business funnel, you'll need to focus on getting noticed and making sure contacts know you exist, building your credibility as an advisor, and starting organic conversations.

We recommend sending your prospects a wide mix of campaigns to engage your contact where they're at in their relationship with you.  

Below is an example of what a month of marketing might look like for you.

Example Calendar
You can use our Marketing Mix every month to plan out what to send to your subscribers!

Tip: You can edit the Marketing Mix Calendar to match your actual marketing by typing into each date box. 

You can find our Marketing Mix by going to the Resources section of the platform or by reaching out to us via Live Chat or