How Do I Combine Groups?

There Are a Couple of Ways to Organize Your Contacts More Efficiently

  1. While you cannot combine groups at this time in Snappy Kraken, there are a couple of ways to organize your contacts more efficiently.

    Manually add and delete your contacts in groups

    Here are the steps if you only have a few contacts you need to add or remove from a group:

    1. Navigate to My Content > My Contacts
    2. Click on the group you want to add or remove contacts
    3. Hover your mouse over the contact you want to remove, and this button will appear:
  2. To add a contact, hover your mouse over the contact and this button will appear


Use a CSV file

If you have a CSV file with the contacts you'd like to add to a group, you can simply import them into the group (here's how!).

If not, you can export the existing group as a CSV file, make any necessary changes, and then import your CSV file to a group.

Here's how to download your group's contacts into a CSV:

  1. Navigate to My Content > My Contacts
  2. Click on the group you want to export
  3. Click on Export Members, which will automatically download a CSV file to your computer
  4. Make any edits to the group
  5. Back in My Contacts, click on the group (or create a new group) you want to add your contacts
  6. Click Add Many Contacts and follow the prompts to upload your CSV file
  7. If you need to delete any groups after combining your contacts, it will not delete the contact information in Snappy Kraken. Also, deleting a group will not affect any campaigns that are actively running, meaning your contacts will still receive any emails scheduled to send in the campaign's timeline.