Financial Advisor Marketing Strategies | Snappy Kraken

Alternative Content Marketing For Financial Advisors | Snappy Kraken

Written by Nicolle | Feb 10, 2023 2:00:00 PM

It’s hard to market yourself as a financial advisor, right?

You want to stand out and show your value to potential customers, but finding the time to devote to advertising and juggling compliance approval for your marketing materials can make it seem impossible.

If you’re frustrated and wondering how to market yourself as a financial advisor, Snappy Kraken is here to help with your financial advisory marketing!

We know it can be hard to make the time to keep up with the latest marketing trends that seem to be constantly changing, especially when you have to deal with the regulations around marketing financial services.

Let’s go over some of the best ways for financial advisors to get more clients in a way that’s actually achievable for your business.


How to Sell Yourself as a Financial Advisor

A good first place to start when you’re trying to get more clients is to think about what clients really want.

The honest answer from most clients would be an advisor who is knowledgeable, makes finances easier, and helps grow wealth.

Another important element for many will be an advisor who has specific experience working for similar people, showing the advisor knows how to deal with specific challenges.

The financial advisor-client relationship will be different for every individual, and making sure to meet your clients where they are and provide them with what they want most is ideal.

Most advisors do not communicate frequently enough with their clients - in fact, this is the number one reason advisors lose clients.

For some clients, this may be an annual check-in, and otherwise, keep things rolling smoothly behind the scenes.

Other clients may prefer financial advisor-client touches much more frequently, including quarterly or even monthly meetings so they feel like they understand the day-to-day workings of their accounts with you.


Ideal Clients for Financial Advisors

Many financial advisors position themselves as generalists who can help "anyone."

This is a mistake because clients want an advisor specializing in their needs.

It may feel counterintuitive, but focusing on a smaller niche market can help you win more clients.

Identifying what type of client you can bring the most value to is an important tool that can help you reach your financial advisor goals and objectives.

Because we know clients are looking for someone with special experience very relevant to them, and they all want a different relationship with their advisor, finding your niche and specializing in doing great work for one type of client can really set you apart.

Some possible specialties might include:

  • Clients in their 20’s and 30’s, just getting started with financial planning
    • Have different technology preferences
    • Benefit from education on the basics of financial planning

  • Clients after retirement age, taking money out and planning their legacy 
    • May respond better to more in-person meetings and advertising
    • Benefit from education on budgeting during retirement and estate planning

  • Small business owners, very different opportunities for investment and tax filing
    • Specialist knowledge of different financial options specific to business owners
    • Good candidates for doing cross-promotion for each other’s businesses

Choosing a specialty, a type of client you are able to serve particularly well with your skills and interests, can make you stand out from the financial advisor crowd.

You can then spend your time and resources focusing on one particular area and really being exceptional there.

Focusing your marketing efforts and lead generation work on the area where you excel can take you much farther.

At Snappy Kraken, we provide fresh and timely niche content and event promotion so you can easily target your ideal customers.


How Do Financial Advisors Grow a Client Base?

Now that we’ve gone through what clients want from you and how focusing on a specific client type can help get you started, let’s go through some specific tips on how to reach leads and convert them into new relationships and customers. 

  • Email Campaigns - Capturing prospective clients' e-mail addresses and then sending them emails that actually turn them into clients is ideal. A thoughtful email drip taking them from the welcome and information-gathering stage to a first meeting is a great start. Regular, well-written newsletters to keep current customers engaged and wanting to recommend you to others is even better. 
  • Website Design - You want a professional, modern-looking website that gives customers a good first impression of your business. Publishing regular articles that provide value to your clients and increase your search engine rankings will make your website even better.
  • Social Media Marketing for Financial Advisors - Just like your emails and website, having a well-curated social media presence makes it easier for potential customers to learn about you and understand what you do better. Social media is a great platform to focus more on the things that make your financial advice stand out. 
  • Encourage Reviews - You’ve done all the hard work of making good content and getting it to the right people, now ask them to say nice things about you! Seriously, reviews on social media platforms, review websites, and to friends who ask make a huge difference, and most people who like what you have to offer will be happy to give them. Advisors have only recently been allowed to use reviews, though, so make sure you are following the compliance rules.
  • Community Involvement - Get out from behind your computer screen and get involved in your community. Sponsoring a kids' sports team, volunteering at a local charity event, or giving an educational talk at the library on smart financial planning - these are all great ways to get your name out there and show people what your business is all about.

Get More Clients in a Snap!

Snappy Kraken exists to help financial advisors market their firms, without wasting time trying to do it themselves.

Because DIY marketing is hard work.

Each piece of content you need to write and review, every automation you need to set up… can be too big a hurdle to jump for many financial advisors to even get started.

That’s why we have done all the hard work for you.

We have FINRA-reviewed, fully automated campaigns ready and waiting for you to use for your own lead generation, prospect nurturing, client engagement, and event promotions. 

Our guided onboarding makes getting started a breeze.

With timely content added weekly, along with one-on-one check-ins for accountability - we guarantee you can succeed! 

Use Snappy Kraken for 12-months and watch your business grow. If you are unsatisfied with your results after following our program for a year, tell us what you think Snappy Kraken was worth and we’ll write you a check for the difference.*

*Applies to membership fees only. Setup fees and optional add-ons like video production, online advertising and extra territories are not included.

Watch a demo of us in action or check out what our core membership can offer you.