Stressing about your own finances is one thing but adding all your clients to the mix, each with their own challenges, worries, and fears, can be demanding.
Especially in times of market volatility and uncertainty.
How you deal with that stress is the difference between complacency and change for the better.
Recently we invited global speaker, author and recognized leader, Velera Wilson to speak to our entire team at Snappy Kraken.
The techniques and coaching shared will help you build and maintain confidence even during the most challenging times
Watch Above and You’ll Learn
Watch the video and learn how to lead with confidence in your professional and personal lives.
Links to check out:
Velera’s Book, “You’re Absolutely Worth It.”
“Own Your Yes” – A web series, hosted by Velera, about female executives and entrepreneurs sharing their challenges and lessons learned on the way to success.
Velara’s article, “Words to Eliminate from your Work Email to Convey Confidence.”