Most retirees will eventually need some form of long-term care (LTC) as they age. But most of them don’t have a solid plan for funding it.
With this campaign, you can give your prospects a tool to help them think about the questions they should be asking now about their future LTC needs. This opens the door for LTC planning conversations, with you positioned as the expert to guide them through their next steps.
Title: The Sensitive Truth About Aging
Type: Lead Generation Campaign
Description: This campaign discusses the sensitive reality of aging and needing care later in life. Since most of us will need at least some form of nursing home, at-home help, or other form of care not covered by Medicare or insurance, this campaign will educate the reader about the options for covering care late in life and present the financial professional as the expert with answers.
Target Audience: High-net-worth investors — especially women — in their 50s and 60s.
Primary Outcome/Action: Email opt-in by downloading lead magnet.
Secondary Outcome/Actions: Asking a question, requesting an appointment, sharing, forwarding email, etc.
Running Time: 4 weeks.
We did the research for you on the long-term care market, and we found that one of the most common triggers for seeking out LTC advice is watching a parent or loved one need care, and this campaign is specially designed to connect with those who have had this experience. Our research also shows that women are the strongest candidates for LTC — unlike men, who typically assume their partners or children will care for them.
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