Does your business have a niche? One huge market to consider is business 401(k) advice. Most companies offer a 401(k) plan to employees, but decision-makers rarely have a firm grasp on available plan choices, compliance, and — significantly — the consequences of potential mistakes.
Our latest lead-generation campaign, The Ugly Truth About Managing Your Company’s 401(k), explores threats and opportunities for plan managers to consider while highlighting the benefits of consulting with a financial adviser.
Title: The Ugly Truth About Managing Your Company’s 401(k)
Type: Lead Generation Campaign
Description: This campaign is designed to grab the attention of people who manage company 401(k) plans. It prompts them to consider potential threats to their plan, as well as opportunities, all of which will motivate them to contact you for a second opinion on their plan.
Target Audience: Decision-makers at companies with established 401(k) plans, $1M to $100M assets inside the plan.
Primary Outcome/Action: Email opt-in by downloading lead magnet.
Secondary Outcome/Actions: Asking a question, requesting an appointment, sharing, forwarding email, etc.
Running Time: 4 weeks.
Whether you’re looking to create a niche for yourself or simply add to your well-rounded client base, establishing yourself as a business 401(k) adviser is an excellent opportunity to grow your business.
Another way Snappy Kraken can help you grow your business? Our timely emails, give our members some of their highest open rates. Learn how to make the most of this resource in the latest episode of our “Behind the Campaign” series, High-Engagement Emails.
To find out more about how Snappy Kraken can fit into your marketing strategy, click here to see a demo.